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What are the problems with over 55 communities, or is buying a 55+ home a good investment for you?

There truly are very few, if any, problems with investing in over 55 communities as long as you find the house you love at the price you can afford.

Any time that you can get your hands on a piece of real estate at a reasonable price, that’s generally going to be a good investment. Aside from the tax benefits, the banking benefits, and the pride of owning your own property, the idea that really supports owning your own real estate is that it is an appreciable asset. Unlike a car, or a boat, or the latest fad hobby, your real estate will increase in value with time. This is especially true of 55+ homes.

Over 55 Communities Are A Small Portion Of The Marketplace With An Ever-Increasing Demand

Yes, the 55+ community is a pretty niche market. This does not mean, however, that it isn’t in high demand. As we start to reach the tail end of the baby boomer generation, and the very early beginnings of the Gen X’ers needing this kind of living space, the demand has only increased. These groups of people are used to the free lifestyle, independence, and busy lifestyles they have created. As such, they are seeking out the Active Adult Lifestyle communities which can help them transition into latter years of their lives in retirement. That in mind, with a small supply, and a big spike in demand, you can rest assured that your investment is going to only increase in value.

Prices And Values In 55+ Communities Are Always Going To Remain Steady And Stable

Speaking of increased values, it is usually fair to say that the over 55 communities are far less volatile than normal residential real estate. This is because the buyer is usually relegated to a fixed income which dictates their spending. In many cases there is also the addition of an investment portfolio which can help funds, but those investments are usually subject to the volatility of the current market. Counting on steady streams of income – such as social security, pensions, and or savings – is usually the safest option for a 55+ buyer. In the end, this fixed income helps keep the market stable and viable even in the harder times in the real estate market writ large.

Allowing Your Home To Be Rented In A 55+ Community

If you are a person who owns multiple properties, you already know the fiscal benefits to owning your properties. The good news you can add to the benefits is that if you purchase a home in a 55+ community, and have another home elsewhere, many 55+ buyers want to try the experience first without buying. In turn, even the rental market in the over 55 communities are very hot because people want the joys of living in that style community but the extended commitment. If you rent your home to a prospective buyer, they will eventually build their own home in the community and thereby help supplement the overall value of the community. It works out for everyone!

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